SEIU represents a long-term relationship that has changed often as the client changes. Our work dates back to the rebranding of the union at the national level in the 90s, when Kurt designed the logo, which has been in use for nearly 30 years. It includes a decade of award-winning work with labor pioneer David Rolf, founding head of SEIU 775, work with SEIU 925, SEIU 1199, and with the highly successful SEIU503 in Oregon.

Our work continues with Carewell SEIU 503, a breakthrough advance in winning and providing a wide range of benefits for working families, from health to legal and pay support.

Our history with SEIU includes a major victory for members in Oregon against the Freedom Foundation and other union busters bankrolled by corporate interests. Over the years, we have gained both knowledge and hope for the future of the middle class, thanks to our shared wins with the men and women of SEIU.