We are Northwest natives who win results for national and local clients. For more than 30 years, these values have driven our work.
Our values
1. Grow the common good.
We look for better solutions to big problems around the world and here at home. We value clients who are doing the most good for the most people.
2. Build a smart strategy and stick to it.
Mission drift is common. We help avoid it with constant, disciplined strategy. Even in the face of tight timelines or budgets, we make sure the client knows who to reach, how, and how to measure success.
3.Choose hope over fear
Hope is a stronger and more lasting motivator than fear. Fear divides and slows new thinking. Some consultants will try to pitch a message about threat as “tough” or “powerful”. The problem is, people shut down when manipulated with fear. And are harder to reach in the future.
4.Create a seamless team with our clients
Relationships with our clients are a result of deep commitment to the cause, to quality and originality, and to trust. Our contracts are based on shared ambition to raise the bar, and we often “throw in” with clients, sharing the risk and promise of pioneering work.
5. Constantly search for new ways to win
Are we doing everything we can with the resources we have to reach the right people right now?
6. Integrate
Integrate thinking, tools, and people. We know the synthesis of two strong assets is usually greater than either asset by itself. Yet campaigns are so often a patchwork of unconnected messages (and pissed off staff). Social media is now a hub that often integrates conventional media and evolving online channels. Face time can transform the value of digital contact. Emotion is the most important tool of all to integrate. What will make our audience notice, care, and act?
7. Get results
First, know what you really want to accomplish, stick to that mission, and commit resources to measuring the outcome. Nothing else matters unless you win.
Our Clients
“We want our people to think ahead, develop fresh ideas and execute them well. Guenther Creative fits right in. They share our passion and they tell our story well.”
“We cried, we were so moved by your tremendous film work. The words, visuals, music, the opening scene with the girl and the boat, amazing!
Serving as a judge for film competitions has made Kurt appreciative of the effort it takes to recognize creative work. Collaborating with creative partners at Guenther Creative, and before as a partner and creative director at GMMB, Kurt has received more than 100 awards for creativity, strategy and overall excellence. National recognition includes CNN selecting Kurt’s ads as the funniest as well as best overall political spots in the nation, Pollie Awards from the American Association of Political Consultants, Telly Awards for excellence in film and television, and as part of a team at GMMB, the PRSA Silver Anvil. Perhaps most important to us, Guenther Creative is recognized by our clients for results that exceed expectations.